Thijs Nieuwdorp
Lead Data Scientist (Xomnia)
Thijs Nieuwdorp is the Lead Data Scientist at Xomnia in Amsterdam and, through Xomnia, Data Science Software Engineer at Alliander. His interest in the interaction between human and computer led him to an education in Artificial Intelligence at the Radboud University, after which he dove straight into the field of Data Science. He enjoys figuring out complex data problems, optimizing existing solutions, and putting them to good use by implementing them into business processes. Outside work Thijs enjoys exploring our world through hiking and traveling, and exploring other worlds through books, games, and movies.
Powering the Netherlands tomorrow: How we make our grid future-proof by predicting when you'll drive a Tesla
In this talk we will present how Alliander uses its data and cloud computation to get our grid ready for the future.
Woensdag 12:30-13:00 • Lezingenzaal 7
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Datagedreven leiders ontdekken essentiele kennis, contacten en technologie tijdens Data Expo
Of je nu al een vergevorderde data-strategie hebt ontwikkeld of je organisatie juist de eerste stappen wil zetten richting een datagedreven onderneming; Data Expo reikt jou de oplossingen om de volgende stap te zetten.
We believe data drives digital transformation
De kracht van Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) ontsluiten
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