Felipe Ramos-Gaete
Data Science Leader (KLM)
Felipe is an Electrical Engineer from Chile, who has expanded his knowledge of markets and optimization to become a Data Scientist in several domains, including energy, mining, sustainability and logistics. Since 2018, Felipe has worked with KLM, becoming a Data Science Leader for the Integral Planning and Control platform, where all data converges to make the best operational decisions for the company and its passengers. Besides his passion for numbers and system thinking, his main hobbies are fusion cuisine and experimenting with recipes from the world, as well as creating narrative worlds when playing tabletop storytelling games.
Applying machine learning to enable the creation of robust and efficient flight schedules at KLM
Flint is a ML prediction platform for estimating flight punctuality and fuel consumption up to six months before flight departure. Being able to accurately estimate a flight’s performance this early in the process, enables the creators of the flight schedule to apply the limited slack in the most impactful places in the schedule. In this way, the scheduler can balance cost, emissions and robustness to optimize the schedule.
woensdag 11:45 - 12:15 • Lezingenzaal 3
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